Friday, January 15, 2010

Dream 5

First thing i remember, was that Van Halen had been coming over regularly to my parents house (where i was living again) to hang out and park there tour bus. My dad came out and saw that their trailer hitch had been dragging on the road and thought he should fix it. While he started fixing it, Sammy Hagar showed up and i chatted with him for a while. Eventually he went back on to the bus, and i left. I needed to get back to somewhere. So i jumped in my car and started driving. I followed a residential road for a while but got stuck behind a cop going really slow. Finally, i had a clearing a just made a quick right turn off that street. I knew where i needed to go, but there was a house in the way, so i parked outside it and decided to just go through the house. I walked in and didn't see anyone. I started following the sound of a TV, and found some stairs. I went down and saw someone. I tried to be stealthy, but it was an old man and he spotted me and was startled. I pretended to be with the property management company and was there to see if anything needed to be repainted. He was all about it. I remember the paint was a gross, super glossy bright yellow on the walls. I told him i had what i needed and that someone would come back. He seemed okay with it, so i started going back up the stairs. But i needed a pen, so i looked around on my way out, saw a pile of pens, with a few Bics in it, grabbed one, and walked out the door. Woke up.

Sleep and dream.


  1. I had a bunch of dreams last night too.
    this one is very interesting. The paint on the walls i know is very significant.

  2. I had a dream about a pretty awesome snow sled that was shaped like a giant bowl and I woke up thinking that someone should make that. :)
