Monday, January 11, 2010

Dream 4

This was a really long dream, and i again im losing most of the details now, but i can remember a lot of strange major details.

I know there was more before this, but the first thing i remember was being at a wedding. It was a girl i dated back in high school getting married, except in real life, she's already married. Somehow the wedding got crashed and some cats showed up. I saw one of the cats murder the groom, and then get inside it's body and start controlling it, the cat dressed itself up (in it's new body) to look just like the bride. Then it spotted me, but i pretended i didn't see anything. Next thing i knew, this cat, and another cat had been following me around, and i got in my car. We were driving down a really steep hill, and i wanted to just through the cats out the window and keep driving, but there were cars behind me, and i didn't want them to think i was that mean. Eventually i rolled up to a house, that somehow i knew i was working at. (I used to paint houses, so i guess i was doing that again in the dream.) Josh called me asking about supplies and stuff, and i heard Danny in the background, but all i could think about was those weird cats i needed to get rid of. I got out of my car, and for some reason had to jack it up and take all the tires off. A bunch of bullies pulled in another car, apparently they were friend of mine, or at least co-workers, cause it seemed like i knew them. One of them jumped in the driver seat of my car, and a couple more jumped in the other seats and pulled me in. The driver started the car and we took off. The car fell off the jacks, and started scraping the ground, but somehow was still able to move even without tires. The car behind us kept bummer tapping us. I know there was more to this dream, but i forgot it while typing this up, looks like i need to start writing down main points before starting to write the whole thing out.

Sleep and dream.


  1. I truly hope that someday my wedding is crashed by cats. Just not this cat

  2. Great dreams! Have you thought about trying to start lucid dreaming? its really cool i get about 3 a year without trying, but i don't have the dedication to keep up a dream journal. it's easier to remember your dreams if you interrupt the REM cycle, try setting an alarm for 10-15 min before you usually wake up.

  3. I would love to be able to lucid dream. I've been looking into it a little recently, and once i figure it out, the dreams will be on here!
