Thursday, January 21, 2010

Dream 10

It was like the beginning of my dream was as if i had just loaded a level in a game. A first person shooter type. The game was like a modern version of Goldeneye for N64. I was at a training facility learning how to utilize my new abilities and weapons. I found that i could lock-on to targets and make perfect shots easily. So, i went around the training level, recognizing the landscape as an old Goldeneye level, but redone. After i finished the session, i had to go to a classroom to learn more. The seating in the classroom was weird. It was set up like a roller coaster. There was a girl to my right, and one to my left. I remember the teacher going on and on about how much he loved his Macbook Pro. He really loved this thing. And he was waving it around like a book. Then class ended and the roller coaster seats took off taking us out of the classroom. It dropped me off at what seemed to be a secret hideout. There, i ran into Mark Wahlberg, i think as his character in The Italian Job. He was talking to an older guy (probably Donald Sutherland) about a heist they just did, and i watched as Mark Wahlberg was hearing how he did from this older guy that seemed sort of a mentor to him. I overheard details that sounded like he had just returned to the present from a different time. The older guy was just making some food, going in and out of the fridge while he talked and listened. Somehow now i knew that i was a cop, perhaps in the future. Eventually, Mark Wahlberg and i wandered out of the secret hideout. We stepped out onto a huge lawn and went next door. There was a huge elaborate house. Lots of big windows on the front. In fact, most of the front side was glass. Outside, we ran into Levar Burton, who apparently lived in this house. We joked around for a few minutes as we walked around the lawn, but Levar Burton seemed to be in a real hurry. All the sudden, Mark Wahlberg was now Dexter Morgan from the show Dexter, and Levar Burton was obviously trying to get rid of us. So we appeased him and follow him out quickly. Dexter and i saw him scurry back into his house and start putting up plastic on the walls and floor. I said out loud, "No. There's no way." and looked at Dexter. He said back to me, "I didn't see it either, but there's no denying it now." (The plastic thing is how Dexter sets up his kill rooms on the show) I said back, "I just don't believe it. Maybe we should just check it out quick." And as i was crouching down slowly moving back toward the house, Dexter yells, "Look out!" I looked up and saw Levar Burton chucking a knife down at me. It barely missed, and then he threw another and another and another. Somehow i avoided all of them. I was freaked out. I looked over at Dexter, we made eye contact, and there was like an understanding of him saying "You know what i have to do now." And then i woke up, actually a little shaken up. AWESOME!!@

Sleep and dream.


  1. Last night I dreamt about cleaning the backstage lighting grid & flyrail of an old theater with a magic flying vacuum cleaner that obeyed my command. The falling dust turning into very thin sticker-like green leeches that didn't actually suck our blood, but kept multiplying and sticking to us till we were nearly covered. I got so annoyed trying to pull them all off that I finally told someone to take me to the ER. So weird.
