Thursday, January 7, 2010

Dream 2

The first thing i remember was suddenly being in my old high school German classroom with students i didn't know. Apparently i was in the class, and my actual teacher from German was teaching. The period ended and everyone started filtering out. I was accidentally leaving some thing in the room, that, once i noticed, i figured i could just get the next day. I was the last person in the room, but then i heard the teacher yell back to shut the door and hit the light switch. Right before i shut the door, he walked back in the room, except now it was another of my old teachers, my 10th grade English teacher. He proceeded to give me an extra little lesson about something i had apparently asked about during the previous class. I started noticing it looked like it had something to do with the show Lost. He pressed something onto the board and suddenly we were both sucked into the board and now in this dark, dead grassy area right near some water. It looked to me to be a mixture between a very old version of Ames, where I used to live, and a lake. The teacher was still trying to teach me about this Lost thing, whatever it was. We followed a thin pier until a big group of "survivors" ran up to us. They were all frantic and wondering about Faraday. If we knew where he had gone. Of course, we didn't so they scattered and continued looking for them. The teacher and I joined up with one of the parties and started moving, and then someone new ran by that we hadn't seen before. Teacher was trying to explain the area to me, like he knew it better than i did. I recognized the area, but it was like it was from 50 years ago, the streets had different names and lots of buildings that should be there were not yet built. So back to this new character we saw running, we followed after him for a while, and eventually saw him trip. He wasn't wearing a shirt, and fell on the ground where immediately all the pieces of dead grass around him, came alive and started wrapping around him and pulling him into the ground. We all got freaked out and just ran. I got split up from the rest of the group, but then came across a new guy. He was bouncing on the sidewalk like it was a trampoline. He motioned me over, and i started bouncing with him. I could tell he was a lot better than me, but seemed a little cocky. He told me a few tricks to try, and we bounced around for a while. Then i felt like i had had enough and stopped to just watch him. Suddenly the ground became a giant trampoline and he was going up for his finale. When he came down, he accidentally landed right on the springs which had gone right between his legs while doing a mid-air sitting position. Of course, he started freaking out and running around. Helpless i just stood and watched until a weird giant dog/snake appeared in front of him and started snapping its jaws right in his face. The bouncing guy finally ran away down the street and the dog/snake followed. Just as i was left alone again, a couple of girls hopped out of a car and were walking up to the school building that i had somehow managed to make it back to again. And i overheard them talking about some typical bubbly girly sounding thing. They didn't walk into the building though, they climbed into these strange cars that were like a normal car but like photoshop stretched to be way higher. I got in one also and started following behind them like that was what everyone did, go this way in a car. I could still hear them talking about dumb stuff. They stopped at a STOP sign, nut then looked back and saw me. Turns out they were pretty good looking. They proceeded, and then i hit the stop sign. And scene.
Sleep and dream.


  1. Cool dream but ...seriously is that what goes on in your mind? Straaange.

    Love the dream blog, <3


  2. You have weirder dreams then me and that is saying something.
    The dream blog is really cool,

  3. awesome!
    my friends want me to write a book of all my dreams, they're so outrageous XD
    loving this dreamblog - awesome idea!

  4. Jason this is such a fantastic idea! Quite fun to read, too! I wish my dreams were about bouncing people!
