Saturday, January 30, 2010

Dream 12

I've been waking up not even remembering dreaming for like that last 4 or 5 nights, so the fact that i remember anything today is good!

I was hanging out at my house, but it wasn't my actual house. It was a mixture of past roommates and people from high school. People coming and going. Amongst these people was Venetian Princess of YouTube fame. She just showed up out of the blue and we started talking and I showed her around the place. I wanted to be a good host and I found this game, so we set it up outside. It was the weirdest game I'd ever seen. It was like 100 feet tall and there was a really tall pole with a cup on top in the middle and a bunch of platforms like 20 feet from the middle going around the pole in a circle. We were all strapped in to bungee harnesses and point of the game was to spit into another little cup on your platform and slingshot it into the middle cup. I wasn't very good at it. But Venetian Princess was catching on quick. So we went around the circle a couple times and then decided to do something else. Once we got down. I saw a warning on a poster that came in the box that said "Failure to report accidents while playing this game will result in instant punishment." Luckily we didn't have any accidents. So we went back in the house and were talking music. We went down into the basement and all the sudden it was like a game itself. There were monsters all over that we had to hide from and sneak around. Alligators, dinosaurs, and whatever else. So we snuck around trying not to be seen, but one of the alligators saw us and started charging. There was a plane of glass in between us and the alligator though and i pushed against our side right as the alligator was coming and it just ran into it and bounced off. It looked like it had gotten really angry and charged again. This time it broke through the glass but got it's nose stuck in the hole it made. We made a break for it and got away past this obstacle. We found what looked like a waterslide with a walkway going up it, so we started going up to try to get away. At the top there was a big field with a bunch of hiding places. It looked sort of like a paintball field or something. Then someone sped up and stopped right by us on a moped and said we could take it. So we hopped on, started driving away, and that's all I remember.

Sleep and dream.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Dream 11

So last night me, Alex, John, and Bre waited in line for 12 hours for tickets to Conan's last Tonight Show, and i got about 30min of sleep total in our tent amongst almost 200 other people. We were around the #25 spots, and had a tent set up for the rain. The one dream i had was me waking up popping my head out of the tent only to see that there we were completely alone out on the sidewalk. I immediately woke up and heard people talking and tried to go back to sleep. Didn't work as i had gotten a little paranoid at that point. Now it's time for a 2 hour nap.


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Dream 10

It was like the beginning of my dream was as if i had just loaded a level in a game. A first person shooter type. The game was like a modern version of Goldeneye for N64. I was at a training facility learning how to utilize my new abilities and weapons. I found that i could lock-on to targets and make perfect shots easily. So, i went around the training level, recognizing the landscape as an old Goldeneye level, but redone. After i finished the session, i had to go to a classroom to learn more. The seating in the classroom was weird. It was set up like a roller coaster. There was a girl to my right, and one to my left. I remember the teacher going on and on about how much he loved his Macbook Pro. He really loved this thing. And he was waving it around like a book. Then class ended and the roller coaster seats took off taking us out of the classroom. It dropped me off at what seemed to be a secret hideout. There, i ran into Mark Wahlberg, i think as his character in The Italian Job. He was talking to an older guy (probably Donald Sutherland) about a heist they just did, and i watched as Mark Wahlberg was hearing how he did from this older guy that seemed sort of a mentor to him. I overheard details that sounded like he had just returned to the present from a different time. The older guy was just making some food, going in and out of the fridge while he talked and listened. Somehow now i knew that i was a cop, perhaps in the future. Eventually, Mark Wahlberg and i wandered out of the secret hideout. We stepped out onto a huge lawn and went next door. There was a huge elaborate house. Lots of big windows on the front. In fact, most of the front side was glass. Outside, we ran into Levar Burton, who apparently lived in this house. We joked around for a few minutes as we walked around the lawn, but Levar Burton seemed to be in a real hurry. All the sudden, Mark Wahlberg was now Dexter Morgan from the show Dexter, and Levar Burton was obviously trying to get rid of us. So we appeased him and follow him out quickly. Dexter and i saw him scurry back into his house and start putting up plastic on the walls and floor. I said out loud, "No. There's no way." and looked at Dexter. He said back to me, "I didn't see it either, but there's no denying it now." (The plastic thing is how Dexter sets up his kill rooms on the show) I said back, "I just don't believe it. Maybe we should just check it out quick." And as i was crouching down slowly moving back toward the house, Dexter yells, "Look out!" I looked up and saw Levar Burton chucking a knife down at me. It barely missed, and then he threw another and another and another. Somehow i avoided all of them. I was freaked out. I looked over at Dexter, we made eye contact, and there was like an understanding of him saying "You know what i have to do now." And then i woke up, actually a little shaken up. AWESOME!!@

Sleep and dream.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Dream 9

It was P.E. We were outside playing soccer. There were 2 field side by side and another P.E. class was out playing on that one. For some reason i had a friendly rivalry with one of the people in the other class. Anyway, we played in our respective classes for a while. I got to sit out for the last few minutes of class, and then the period ended. I lit up a cigarette and just held it from there til i got to where i was going. As far as I could tell, it was a mixture of an antique shop and a candy store. Seemed pretty cool. It was part of a very tall building. It was right then i realized i couldn't let myself get distracted, because i was actually there to go to the apartments on a higher floor. I had a backpack with me, and at one point while going up there stairs, still in the shop, i got to a really narrow part of the staircase, and was afraid to hit any of the antiques, so i started trying to lift my bag over it. It worked and another group of people went down the stairs right after i got through that spot. I took a turn and suddenly it was now an apartment building stairwell i was in. As I continued going up, I bumped into a really pretty girl. I apologized and we had a little laugh, and kept going up. I made sure to hold open all the doors of the stairwell for her and we talked. From one of the other floors, I saw this guy, Matt, that I knew from a few years ago. Said he lived in the building. So he was going up behind us. I finally got up to room 402, where for some reason I was going to meet someone. A girl I think. And it just happened to be the same apartment that this girl I bumped into and started talking with in the stairwell. We both thought that was crazy. Then right inside, I saw the girl I was going to see, and another girl that I had seen before, in that apartment. I didn't remember the place, but apparently I had been there before during apartment repaints. Also, Matt, who had fallen behind while talking on his cell phone, walks up and opens up the door to the next apartment over. We were all having major "What the heck? No way!" moments. So we had some laughs. When it was time to leave, my friends from P.E. and the guys from Ministry of Magic had shown up. Mark just said, "Okay, see ya guys." and turned and walked away with some girl. I was pissed at him, so I picked up a Little Debbie cupcake and chucked it at the back of his head as hard as I could. I had amazing aim, and just nailed him. Of course he paused, slowly turned around and started walking back towards me. The girl that was with him was all the sudden a much meaner looking girl. I was standing right there, but they couldn't tell I had thrown it. They kept looking around at us to figure out who threw it. But they couldn't figure it out. I thought it was obvious. I waited until Mark was facing a brick wall (that was now there I guess) and I Sparta kicked him into the wall and threw another cupcake at him, and then another one at the girl that was with him. The second one missed, but it bounced right off the wall and I caught it instantly and threw it again and got her. All the sudden Mark turned into Matt Maggiacomo and the girl turned into Lauren Fairweather. And right then the thunderstorm woke me up.

Sleep and dream.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Dream 8

It was raining and really windy last night and it took me forever to fall asleep. Don't know if that affected my dreaming or not.

I was walking down some made up street in New York at night. Through a window of a shop, I saw Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails, and he motioned at me to come inside. He started telling me about how he wanted to get Marilyn Manson on his new record, but he didn't know how. He figured I might be able to help him. We thought and brainstormed for a while, and something popped into my head. And then sure enough, Marilyn Manson popped into the room. They started discussing their collaboration ideas and i went ahead and left, as i had no real interest in that. I kept walking down this New York street and saw Elaine from Seinfeld running down the street towards me like we were old friends. She hugged me and we started walking down the street again, talking. We turned a corner to go into this little courtyard, and there was a big structure but it was just the frame, with a big construction excavator. There was an older guy running the machine. I couldn't tell who it was at first, but then i recognized that it was Elaine's dad. So we wen't and said hi. He was moving a bunch of coffins from the ground onto this big structure. Suddenly, like a loudspeaker had just announced it to the whole world, we both knew that something terrible had happened in Haiti. But it wasn't the earthquake. That hadn't happened in the dream world. For some reason Elaine jumped in my arms and we ran around the corner, and somehow we were in Haiti. We saw a bunch of sinkholes and flooded desert area. There were kids driving little go-kart-like things all around us. And sometimes they would get stuck in the quicksand stuff. So Elaine's dad would pop into the scene and grab them out of it with the excavator. I was pretty impressed, but at the same time, he really didn't seem to know what he was doing exactly. We got really scared that this kid he had just pulled out wasn't going to make it. That he had sucked in a bunch of sand from being in an enclosed kart. Soon enough we saw movement and figured he'd pull through. So magically we went back to this New York courtyard and Elaine's dad continued on moving the coffins. Wake up.

Sleep and dream.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Dream 7

Well last night, I watched every episode of The Guild to date. So I'm pretty sure all I can remember from dreams last night was me being a part of the Guild. It was like we were doing new episodes and I was just part of it now. Kept seeing Felicia Day talking to the camera vlog style, Zaboo would pop on every once in a while, and then it'd be me. We were just talking about the game and all the guild drama. Then all the sudden i became Sylar from Heroes. But i was shape-shifted into looking like Nathan Petrelli. So me and Peter were walking some church trying not to get noticed. We climbed up this giant Christmas tree in the back and found this weird room with a bunch of toys and secret passageways. We were talking and starting to get into a fight, and people started hearing us. I heard this boy that was in trouble, so i was going to go save him, but then Peter tried to beat me to it and take all the credit. I got a text from Erinn Lewis saying that the cops were coming and that they all knew we where there. And soon enough some cops found out where we were and got up there, so i had to take one of the secret passages. It ended up taking me to a little house kinda out in the middle of nowhere. And it was muddy everywhere. I saw a guy coming toward me on an ATV. He stopped when he got near me and jumped on a dirt bike then. I noticed this guy was the character Whistler from the show Prison Break, but he had dyed the top of his hair really light. He told me to jump on a bike and follow him. And he ended up leading me back to Vork's house (from the Guild) and left me there. The Guild vlogging recommenced and then i woke up.

Sleep and dream.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Dream 6

I was in a classroom, and we had just gotten some kind of in class assignment. So we all started working on it silently. There was this cute girl sitting in front of me. The assignment we were working on was coloring pictures. (How old am i?) The cute girl in front of me was having trouble. She didn't have as many crayons as me, and i had a bunch of awesome colors. So i offered her some of my crayons. That's all i remember.

Sleep and dream.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Dream 5

First thing i remember, was that Van Halen had been coming over regularly to my parents house (where i was living again) to hang out and park there tour bus. My dad came out and saw that their trailer hitch had been dragging on the road and thought he should fix it. While he started fixing it, Sammy Hagar showed up and i chatted with him for a while. Eventually he went back on to the bus, and i left. I needed to get back to somewhere. So i jumped in my car and started driving. I followed a residential road for a while but got stuck behind a cop going really slow. Finally, i had a clearing a just made a quick right turn off that street. I knew where i needed to go, but there was a house in the way, so i parked outside it and decided to just go through the house. I walked in and didn't see anyone. I started following the sound of a TV, and found some stairs. I went down and saw someone. I tried to be stealthy, but it was an old man and he spotted me and was startled. I pretended to be with the property management company and was there to see if anything needed to be repainted. He was all about it. I remember the paint was a gross, super glossy bright yellow on the walls. I told him i had what i needed and that someone would come back. He seemed okay with it, so i started going back up the stairs. But i needed a pen, so i looked around on my way out, saw a pile of pens, with a few Bics in it, grabbed one, and walked out the door. Woke up.

Sleep and dream.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Dream 4

This was a really long dream, and i again im losing most of the details now, but i can remember a lot of strange major details.

I know there was more before this, but the first thing i remember was being at a wedding. It was a girl i dated back in high school getting married, except in real life, she's already married. Somehow the wedding got crashed and some cats showed up. I saw one of the cats murder the groom, and then get inside it's body and start controlling it, the cat dressed itself up (in it's new body) to look just like the bride. Then it spotted me, but i pretended i didn't see anything. Next thing i knew, this cat, and another cat had been following me around, and i got in my car. We were driving down a really steep hill, and i wanted to just through the cats out the window and keep driving, but there were cars behind me, and i didn't want them to think i was that mean. Eventually i rolled up to a house, that somehow i knew i was working at. (I used to paint houses, so i guess i was doing that again in the dream.) Josh called me asking about supplies and stuff, and i heard Danny in the background, but all i could think about was those weird cats i needed to get rid of. I got out of my car, and for some reason had to jack it up and take all the tires off. A bunch of bullies pulled in another car, apparently they were friend of mine, or at least co-workers, cause it seemed like i knew them. One of them jumped in the driver seat of my car, and a couple more jumped in the other seats and pulled me in. The driver started the car and we took off. The car fell off the jacks, and started scraping the ground, but somehow was still able to move even without tires. The car behind us kept bummer tapping us. I know there was more to this dream, but i forgot it while typing this up, looks like i need to start writing down main points before starting to write the whole thing out.

Sleep and dream.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Dream 3

The last couple days, i could remember having dreams, but by the time i was awake i could remember almost nothing that happened. They seem to be fading really fast after i wake up these days.

I was riding a bike around a neighborhood that was a mixture of non-reality and a place near where i went to elementary school. At first, there was no one else around, just me riding my bike for a while, but eventually other people started showing up, so i assume it must have been early in the morning. I stumbled upon a house that seemed like i knew the owners and the neighbors. I guess they had left there babies at home, cause i could hear them. I knew where the secret key was, so i went inside.slowly but surely other people started showing up. And by people, i mean Lost characters. Then Luke, and one of the doors in the house led to Adventureland, which is actually also the name is a theme park in Des Moines, Iowa. So we all went and hung out for a while. It seemed like more of a state fair than i remembered it being. We got our 2 day passes. All except Luke who was trying to sweet talk the ticket seller to get the best deal. We all had to go to the bathroom, so we did. Then we went and got our pictures taken for the pass. Right after that we decided to take the door back to the house, cause there was chocolate and soda in glass bottles. Seems like a good enough reason to me. This is where I'm losing some details already but that's okay. I remember Jack, Sawyer, Locke, and Hurley being there. And Jamie Den Adel. It seemed at this point like someone was figuring out we were all in this house, so i looked out the window and saw it was getting dark out. There were a couple creepy looking people outside just wandering around, i think following the sound of the loud house. All the sudden, we all knew there was some kind of impending doom, and a bunch of them panicked. Especially Sawyer. He freaked out and ran into the basement, but parts of the floor were clear, so i could still see him. Jack thought i should go try to talk to him. So i went down and found that there was another door open, except this one was one of the craziest things i had ever seen. Imagine the door to like a blimp's bottom section.slightly curved in at the bottom, and really really high off the ground. Well i saw Sawyer, had open this door and all i could see was a huge waterfall and the roaring sound of it. Somehow i knew it was Niagara Falls. So another super bizarre part of this magic Niagara Falls doors, was that there was a line of like six little lockers sized doors all at a forty five degree angle beneath the door. So we had to climb outside the blimp over Niagara Falls, and monkey-bar move over to these little doors. They were labeled and had different "worlds" in them. We were trying to figure out which one we should go in. A couple opened up to future scenes. #1, #2, and #4 i dont remember. But #5 was like an Endor looking place, #3 was in future Arizona, a super colorful desert, like looking at a space picture of a planet. And #6 just said Melissa Anelli on it, so i didn't want to open that one up and bother her. Sawyer decided to climb back up into the blimp door instead of take one of the locker portals. So we went back in and back in the house we were. We found a bunch of the other people in the house had gone somewhere, but a few were still left and they were saying how we were trapped. I looked out the window. It was now totally dark except for the white street lights. And i could see a line of people outside just sitting and watching the house we were in. Sawyer kept wanting to kill himself, and i kept trying to convince not to. I went outside and went exploring. At first i just found more Coke in a bottle and chocolate, and kids playing with them like toys. But then i wandered out into the world past the people that were outside watching the house. They didnt see me. I got to a building, walked in, and apparently it was my high school again. Totally not my real high school, but in the dream it was. It was like the metalworking shop that i had walked into, but it was my old woodworking teacher that was teaching this class. Turned out that one of my projects was still set up on a machine, apparently for teaching purposes, but i had never finished it. It was a long piece, consisting of lots of circuitboards and weird shaped plates, and boxes. I had no idea what it was anymore, but one of my old classmates, apparently was still in high school after 7 years, which i thought was odd. He gave me crap about my project. Of course, it was the kind of crap that clearly stated, "I'm just jealous of your work." But he played it off, and was trying to be my friend. Eventually my old teacher approached me and we started talking. I loved this teacher, and to top things off, he had an amazing handlebar mustache. End.

Sleep and dream.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Dream 2

The first thing i remember was suddenly being in my old high school German classroom with students i didn't know. Apparently i was in the class, and my actual teacher from German was teaching. The period ended and everyone started filtering out. I was accidentally leaving some thing in the room, that, once i noticed, i figured i could just get the next day. I was the last person in the room, but then i heard the teacher yell back to shut the door and hit the light switch. Right before i shut the door, he walked back in the room, except now it was another of my old teachers, my 10th grade English teacher. He proceeded to give me an extra little lesson about something i had apparently asked about during the previous class. I started noticing it looked like it had something to do with the show Lost. He pressed something onto the board and suddenly we were both sucked into the board and now in this dark, dead grassy area right near some water. It looked to me to be a mixture between a very old version of Ames, where I used to live, and a lake. The teacher was still trying to teach me about this Lost thing, whatever it was. We followed a thin pier until a big group of "survivors" ran up to us. They were all frantic and wondering about Faraday. If we knew where he had gone. Of course, we didn't so they scattered and continued looking for them. The teacher and I joined up with one of the parties and started moving, and then someone new ran by that we hadn't seen before. Teacher was trying to explain the area to me, like he knew it better than i did. I recognized the area, but it was like it was from 50 years ago, the streets had different names and lots of buildings that should be there were not yet built. So back to this new character we saw running, we followed after him for a while, and eventually saw him trip. He wasn't wearing a shirt, and fell on the ground where immediately all the pieces of dead grass around him, came alive and started wrapping around him and pulling him into the ground. We all got freaked out and just ran. I got split up from the rest of the group, but then came across a new guy. He was bouncing on the sidewalk like it was a trampoline. He motioned me over, and i started bouncing with him. I could tell he was a lot better than me, but seemed a little cocky. He told me a few tricks to try, and we bounced around for a while. Then i felt like i had had enough and stopped to just watch him. Suddenly the ground became a giant trampoline and he was going up for his finale. When he came down, he accidentally landed right on the springs which had gone right between his legs while doing a mid-air sitting position. Of course, he started freaking out and running around. Helpless i just stood and watched until a weird giant dog/snake appeared in front of him and started snapping its jaws right in his face. The bouncing guy finally ran away down the street and the dog/snake followed. Just as i was left alone again, a couple of girls hopped out of a car and were walking up to the school building that i had somehow managed to make it back to again. And i overheard them talking about some typical bubbly girly sounding thing. They didn't walk into the building though, they climbed into these strange cars that were like a normal car but like photoshop stretched to be way higher. I got in one also and started following behind them like that was what everyone did, go this way in a car. I could still hear them talking about dumb stuff. They stopped at a STOP sign, nut then looked back and saw me. Turns out they were pretty good looking. They proceeded, and then i hit the stop sign. And scene.
Sleep and dream.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Dream 1

I think i've been awake too long now to remember the majority of any of my dreams last night and most of the details from them. I'll have to try to write these down closer to the time i wake up in the future. But here's what i can remember:

I was back at my old duplex where i lived with my parents from 3rd to 6th grade. They weren't home and for some reason there were a bunch of people from my high school class over and there was a party going on. Several of the people were "the girls" from one of my groups of friends back then. I remember the one that i had the biggest crush on at the time was flirting with me. I dont think there was any music, but it feels like there should have been seeing as it was a party. Some dudes rolled up to the place in a van or something and were trying to like black market sell us some electronics. TVs, stereos, etc. from right out of their van. And that's all i can remember.

Sleep and dream, all.

The Dream Blog commences

I had an idea on New Year's Eve this year. I always thought it'd be fun to write down my dreams, the ones i can remember anyway, and just observe them and be able to look back at them. Normally, i have some fairly bizarre things going through my brain while i sleep, so perhaps we can enjoy it together. Even though it's not the first of the year, i'm getting started now at least. Sleep and dream, all.