Monday, February 1, 2010

Dream 13

I remember walking in a church being pointed toward the sanctuary and getting in line to walk in. I was with 2 people that were like my best friends in the dream but i don't know who they were in reality. We kept looking around for the perfect seats as the music team started playing songs. All the sudden i thought "i'm not gonna fit here." And then right after that i got sucked into a wormhole type thing. As I was traveling through the wormhole, i just saw a modern TV commercial for Star Trek, the new cast but in a TV series. Then the wormhole spat me out on the ground. A few other people got spit out after me. We were in some like deserty place with trees and bridges and bunkers. It looked like a level from Modern Warfare. I saw some enemies, and took them out. Yes, I now had a sniper rifle. I ran into someone i knew and they were on my team. Our team was obviously winning, so the leader of the other team gathered his stuff and his remaining teammates and drove off yelling crap at us, trying to be macho. I ended up following them without getting noticed. We got into the city but it was dark. When i arrived i ran into a couple of friends from reality, Adam and Pat, and then Kensei from Heroes. We were downtown of whatever city this was, walking around looking for somewhere to eat. We found a photo album, and it had a bunch of pictures of us 4 in it. Woke up.

Sleep and dream.


  1. Okay, it's official: you have cooler dreams than I do.

    You should take one of your dreams and reenact it in a YouTube video and at the end be like "and that was my dream."
    And also, watch out for that Adam Monroe. He's t-r-o-u-b-l-e ; )

  2. life would be weird if every time you didn't fit somewhere you got wormhole sucked to someplace you would fit.

    i wonder what being wormhole sucked would feel like...
    and if you would have any say over where you got sucked to...
